The Company’s investment strategy is based on a growth incubator / pre-IPO investment philosophy, whereby it seeks out early stage or undervalued later stage businesses with strong upside potential, with the objective of acquiring, funding, growing and selling-on the investments through the public markets at enhanced valuations.
The Board has identified four sectors of initial focus, and will likely, in future, target other technology driven sectors. These initial sectors include Life Sciences, Crypto businesses and assets that use crypto technology, Impact Investing (Environmental and Renewables) and Retail.
It will not restrict the jurisdiction of investments, since the application of technology is not constrained by geographic borders, however, the Board expects that more/the majority of its investments will be within Europe.
The Company intends to realise value through exiting its investments over time and so will have no fixed investment period
The Company anticipates that investments will be made from the Company’s own balance sheet and/or in partnership with other investing entities and will be expected to be in the form of equity and equity-related instruments, including convertible debt instruments, and, debt. The Company may offer its ordinary shares and debt instruments in exchange for shares in investee businesses.
The Company may invest in quoted or listed companies, that are publicly traded, and private companies. It may acquire investments directly or by way of holdings in intermediate holding or subsidiary entities. The Company may also invest in limited liability partnerships and other forms of legal entity.
The Company may invest in majority or minority positions and will ensure that it has suitable investor protection rights, as determined by the Board.
The Company may, where appropriate and deemed by the Directors to be in the Company’s best interests, seek a position on the boards of investee companies to actively monitor and assist the business including helping to scale senior management, inform and refine strategy, drive key performance indicators and provide guidance on future financing.
The Company intends to realise value through exiting its investments over time and so will have no fixed investment period.